Pella Windows & Doors of New England is enjoying their new 29,000 SF design built fit-up distribution center. Some of the many amazing features this distribution center offers is a 720 SF lobby with 24-foot ceilings, a custom-made reception desk, custom-made Pella sign in cursive black acrylic (LED-backlit), dry stacked ledger stone, 36” and 48” … Read more
UNH MUB Exterior Renovations, Durham, NH
Scope of Work consisted of demolition to remove asbestos paneling, sheathing, metal and wood framing. New composite insulated metal panels were installed over new wood framing and structural sheathing. All trim was wrapped in heavy aluminum and exposed beams/wood were painted. All work had to be scaffolded, some areas over 80+ feet.
Liberty Mutual Parking Garage Stair Enclosure, Dover, NH
Construct new enclosures on three existing stairs in the parking deck.
1827 Sheafe House, Portsmouth, NH
Careno Construction Company has completed multiple projects at the 1827 Sheafe House in historic downtown Portsmouth, NH. The projects have consisted of heavy structural repairs to aging and damaged roof purlins, columns and beams. Also included were historic masonry repairs and the full replacement of the intricate brick crown dental and molding work. The parapet walls, chimneys … Read more
Historic Town Hall Restoration, Newington, NH
Restoration of the existing Town Hall building and the addition of a two-story building to be used as a meeting place and function center for the Newington residents. A section of the first floor was renovated to house a Town Museum. The building required extensive restoration to the exterior and structural construction to the interior. … Read more
Woodman Farm Barn Foundation Repairs, UNH Durham, NH
Scope of work included cribbing, shoring, excavation, drainage, concrete installation, back filling, and site restoration.
Whittemore Center Arena Dehumidification, UNH Durham, NH
Furnish and install an arena dehumidification system including all necessary ductwork.
Field House Heat Exchanger, UNH Durham, NH
Removal and replacement of existing heat exchanger, ventilating units, related ductwork and piping at the intermediate level mechanical room.